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First Step Is Caring

Available Homes

April H.

Chesterfield, VA

With a BA in Social Work and multiple certifications, April is a community stalwart with over a decade's experience in intellectual disability care in Virginia. She thrives on providing person-centered support, ensuring dignity and personalized attention in every aspect of their professional life.

Outside work, life is an adventure. Whether it's hiking with her loyal dog, enjoying family dinners, or dancing the night away, energy and love for life abound. Fitness classes, art festivals, and travel? She is all in, with a zest that’s contagious!

Health and wellness are a priority, maintained through a vegetarian diet and an active lifestyle, including regular community volunteering and participation in local fitness events. Faith plays a significant role, guiding not just personal principles but also interactions within her community.

April's home is a sanctuary — a cozy, fully-equipped brick house in a peaceful neighborhood, symbolizing warmth and stability. Though she loves her Lab-German Shepherd mix, she prefer to keep her home pet-consistent and smoke-free.

In essence, what we have here is a unique blend of professional dedication, personal vigor, and community spirit. If a life of activity, service, and care resonates with you, this could be the beginning of a beautiful connection!